I’ve been ‘good’ for a week, why has nothing changed?
20th March 2023
A week is kind of a long time if you’re counting the minutes down for something that you’re looking forward to, but when we are talking about fat loss and results from lifestyle changes, a week really isn’t so long I often chat with clients who are frustrated that a week of altered habits isn’t […]

How to get REAL buzzed
5th January 2018
I took my nephew indoor sky diving yesterday What a thrill! (I wish I’d booked it for myself too!) I think I have serious Super Auntie points in the bag He got such a buzz from it (Almost the same high as giving him full sugar coke!) It got me thinking We DO have total […]

Have you lost your purpose?
26th September 2017
Do you have a purpose? A few years back I was lost I was confused about what I wanted I was always reaching out for more more more But I never really knew what I wanted So, I failed (in my own eyes) Over and over again My sense of self worth was at an […]

Guilty pleasure central!
8th July 2017
Do you have a cheeky guilty pleasure? I don’t know about you But I’ve found myself getting drawn into the drama of ‘love island’ I mean I don’t go out of my way to watch it But when it’s on….. Try as I might, I get suckered into the bizarre dynamics of the love island […]

Why do you want to change things?
27th June 2017
Why do you want to change things? Are you happy? Happy with your life? Your lifestyle? Your energy? Your moods Your relationships? Your body? If you answer NO to one or more of those questions Then legitimately you could put yourself in the running to change things today With my programme My ladies only transformation […]

Invest in yourself for 12 weeks
31st May 2017
Contrary to popular belief Spending more time and more energy on a problem does not always equal the results that you want to see Weight loss is one of those things… Where time and effort invested are not always proportional to results It completely depends on WHERE you are putting in the effort If you’re […]

I talk about the devil being in the dose
4th September 2015
It’s happened again I’ve been hooked in by the Great British Bake Off Some of the creations that I’ve seen this season are utterly phenomenal Have you been watching? This week they were tasked with making a cake without sugar I’ve tried this before and I have to admit Whilst I’m no top amateur baker […]

I talk ‘being more dog’ and the unsubscribe button!
28th April 2015
I put out content each day that I intend to help people make better choices, make them laugh and guide them towards being ‘more dog’ as o2 would say But you know … there are some people I don’t want subscribing This is you if you… ·Are looking for a magic pill that will bring […]

Have a break, not necessarily a kitkat
30th March 2015
I took a break over the weekend I went to visit a friend in London It was great I didn’t have my emails I didn’t have any work planned And I could switch off and relax and let my mind free I realised that I have been working pretty hard on things of late This […]

If it were easy ….
25th March 2015
I love training people, I get to test peoples thresholds every day I like knowing that they tried their very best I had two separate conversations this week about training that resonated with me One client expressed her disappointment at not being able to complete a set (yes ONE set) which subsequently lead to a […]