Work ing Hard or Hardly Work ing?
23rd March 2015
I have the great luxury of meeting lots of new people in my line of work Some people come and go And some stay and endure into lasting friendships For which I am eternally grateful I like to observe behaviour And examine cause and effect Of course as an observational study my conclusions might be […]

Mirror mirror on the wall
18th March 2015
who’s the fairest of them all? When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see yourself as you are? Do you see the self you wish to be? Do you see all the things you think are wrong with your current self? We are hideously bad at assessing ourselves objectively We […]

What do you use when you reach breaking point?
16th January 2015
Are you there, are you at your breaking point? If you’re reading this blog post, its likely that you have reached breaking point, or one of your clients, friends, family has and you want to know what to do! We all get there right? Things add up on us, and we inflate with anger, stress […]

Pay it forwards
13th December 2014
Has someone helped you out recently? Maybe you got some good advice? Perhaps someone put you onto a sweet short cut that has made your life easier? Have you read something that made you go ahhhhh ha, that’s gold dust! Let me tell you a story about me.. I became a personal trainer because I […]