The reality of personal training – Jeyni’s Story
15th January 2021
How did you feel before you started at Rossell Fitness and what inspired you to want to join us? I was my heaviest when I began with RF. Like most I have been working from home since March 2020 due to Covid-19. Unfortunately, this resulted in me moving less & i noticed my body struggling […]

Guilty pleasure central!
8th July 2017
Do you have a cheeky guilty pleasure? I don’t know about you But I’ve found myself getting drawn into the drama of ‘love island’ I mean I don’t go out of my way to watch it But when it’s on….. Try as I might, I get suckered into the bizarre dynamics of the love island […]

Why do you want to change things?
27th June 2017
Why do you want to change things? Are you happy? Happy with your life? Your lifestyle? Your energy? Your moods Your relationships? Your body? If you answer NO to one or more of those questions Then legitimately you could put yourself in the running to change things today With my programme My ladies only transformation […]

Invest in yourself for 12 weeks
31st May 2017
Contrary to popular belief Spending more time and more energy on a problem does not always equal the results that you want to see Weight loss is one of those things… Where time and effort invested are not always proportional to results It completely depends on WHERE you are putting in the effort If you’re […]

Work ing Hard or Hardly Work ing?
23rd March 2015
I have the great luxury of meeting lots of new people in my line of work Some people come and go And some stay and endure into lasting friendships For which I am eternally grateful I like to observe behaviour And examine cause and effect Of course as an observational study my conclusions might be […]

Back to school games
17th March 2015
Taking training down a different route Yesterday morning we changed things up at our circuits session at the university We got the teams playing ‘back to school games’ As varsity is upon us, we decided we weren’t going in for the usual beasting ;-) So we planned a fun session instead We got them playing […]