12th November 2017
Remembering We always say ‘remember remember the 5th of November’ But today is also a day to stop, reflect and remember Remember those soldiers who fought for us to have this life that we have! There is not much else to say today If you have some time Whether observing the countrywide silence at 11am […]

Have you lost your purpose?
26th September 2017
Do you have a purpose? A few years back I was lost I was confused about what I wanted I was always reaching out for more more more But I never really knew what I wanted So, I failed (in my own eyes) Over and over again My sense of self worth was at an […]

I get things wrong ALL OF THE TIME
20th September 2017
It’s not as scary as you think Change is intimidating Right? I know myself and I hate change (you’re not the only one!) Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different It takes a really brave person to do that! The biggest barrier in changing your life Changing your reality Changing yourself (if […]

A literal sh*t storm
18th September 2017
When I was in Spain last week The farmers were spraying their fields with fertiliser On its own, a necessary and innocent action But when you couple that with the storms that Spain was having last week on the north coat The fields leeched into the rivers And the rivers into the sea So I […]

Why do you want to change things?
27th June 2017
Why do you want to change things? Are you happy? Happy with your life? Your lifestyle? Your energy? Your moods Your relationships? Your body? If you answer NO to one or more of those questions Then legitimately you could put yourself in the running to change things today With my programme My ladies only transformation […]

Hold on to your hats
27th April 2017
Hold on to you hats I have something big in the pipeline for you I don’t want to give too much away And I do so love to tease! Keep your eye on your inbox for the next couple of days And I will reveal all! In the mean time, let’s have a chat about […]

I talk gratitude, bumpy rides and progress
28th August 2015
Every night I fill in a journal and a gratitude log I do this so that when times get tough And if there is one thing we can rely on in life Is that it won’t always be a peach So we can pretty much strap in for the ride Cause it’s going to be […]

Today I expose myself
24th March 2015
I think being honest about your weaknesses is 100% the key to turning those weaknesses into strengths If you are honest with the people in you life about what you want to achieve What you are trying to do Those people will help you in your quest The most liberating thing I did this year […]

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed
20th March 2015
‘…but it can change form’ I love science I loved it at school I loved it when I did my degree in it I always remembered the definition of the conservation of energy ‘Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, but it can change form’ We put A LOT of energy into telling ourselves that we […]

Mirror mirror on the wall
18th March 2015
who’s the fairest of them all? When you look in the mirror what do you see? Do you see yourself as you are? Do you see the self you wish to be? Do you see all the things you think are wrong with your current self? We are hideously bad at assessing ourselves objectively We […]