I fear things that I don’t understand
21st June 2024
I will avoid turning this into a gushing love story for my puppy Although, I do adore the little ball of fluff Before I had a dog, I was afraid of them I had been bitten by them and chased by them in the past but it was more than that I didn’t know how […]

Exclusive discount, you’re welcome!
16th June 2017
Do you want to know HOW my ladies get such great results? This is what we covered in our weekly members only coaching call… I discussed: Looking out for the signs and symptoms that things are going off piste with your weight loss How to maximise the use of trackers, logs and diaries on your […]

I talk psychology and the hierarchy of needs
16th September 2015
I’m going to get down and dirty in some science today The science of psychology wooooooo This particular branch of science Was one that I disdained for many years Haughtily claiming superiority over all of my friends Who chose to do psychology for the A level I chose ‘actual sciences’ like chemistry and biology to […]

Leap of faith
6th March 2015
Don’t be afraid to take chances Its not often they come around again Before xmas, I saw an advert for an online magazine They were looking for writers I applied, not for one second thinking that they would accept or even consider me as a guest writer All of their staff are fully qualified journalists […]

Objectively assess your progress!
24th February 2015
Can you look objectively at yourself? I feel like I have been harping on a lot recently about certain subjects But this, I do feel is important to really drive the message home We all have this expectation of ourselves, of our progress and how fast or slow it is showing itself up Firstly, YOU […]

Light bulb moment, why your progress may be stagnating
13th February 2015
I’ve heard this a lot recently… ‘I just want to reach ‘x’ weight and I’ll be happy’ OR ‘The numbers on the scales just aren’t going down…’ When I hear my clients saying this to me, it makes me feel sad And not because it appears that they are not making progress But because they […]

Taking action
10th February 2015
Taking action is key in bringing about long term change If you are unsatisfied with aspects of your life, you will need to affect change in some way or another! I talk a lot (true ;-) ) … about taking action Do I follow my own advice? Sometimes! It is easy to say things ‘I […]

Business, marketing, psychology and arrogance
5th January 2015
Honesty alert I am about to be startlingly honest here about my opinions when I was younger … I did not value the subject areas of Business, marketing, psychology and any of the other ‘wishy washy’ subjects in my oh so naive and ignorant youth! At school I secretly scoffed at my peers taking these soft […]

Pay it forwards
13th December 2014
Has someone helped you out recently? Maybe you got some good advice? Perhaps someone put you onto a sweet short cut that has made your life easier? Have you read something that made you go ahhhhh ha, that’s gold dust! Let me tell you a story about me.. I became a personal trainer because I […]