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Have you lost your purpose?

26th September 2017

Do you have a purpose? A few years back I was lost I was confused about what I wanted I was always reaching out for more more more But I never really knew what I wanted So, I failed (in my own eyes) Over and over again My sense of self worth was at an […]


It’s a big myth

21st September 2017

You are not always going to feel amazing It’s a bit of a myth that when you are healthy and happy in your lifestyle That you should always bounce out of bed with bundles of energy That you should always feel elated and fantastic That you should always have motivation to make the best choice […]

Learning and education

Exclusive discount, you’re welcome!

16th June 2017

Do you want to know HOW my ladies get such great results? This is what we covered in our weekly members only coaching call… I discussed: Looking out for the signs and symptoms that things are going off piste with your weight loss How to maximise the use of trackers, logs and diaries on your […]


Hold on to your hats

27th April 2017

Hold on to you hats I have something big in the pipeline for you I don’t want to give too much away And I do so love to tease! Keep your eye on your inbox for the next couple of days And I will reveal all! In the mean time, let’s have a chat about […]

Award trophy

I talk about laptops, the new me and brain power

21st April 2015

My laptop is slowly dying on me I’ve written this email three times already Once on my laptop then it died before I saved it Once on my tablet, where the screen refreshed and I lost it all again And one on my phone where I got half way through with the tiny screen and […]

To the beach

Have a break, not necessarily a kitkat

30th March 2015

I took a break over the weekend I went to visit a friend in London It was great I didn’t have my emails I didn’t have any work planned And I could switch off and relax and let my mind free I realised that I have been working pretty hard on things of late This […]

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Today I expose myself

24th March 2015

I think being honest about your weaknesses is 100% the key to turning those weaknesses into strengths If you are honest with the people in you life about what you want to achieve What you are trying to do Those people will help you in your quest The most liberating thing I did this year […]

Fitness, dumbell

Work ing Hard or Hardly Work ing?

23rd March 2015

I have the great luxury of meeting lots of new people in my line of work Some people come and go And some stay and endure into lasting friendships For which I am eternally grateful I like to observe behaviour And examine cause and effect Of course as an observational study my conclusions might be […]

Award trophy

The theory of marginal gains part 1

21st March 2015

How can you tell that you are progressing? Do you feel like you aren’t changing? Is it possible even to notice change? If you are a numbers geek (this is a good thing) You might notice changes happening in your gym times, or weight numbers? Your 5km time is dropping, great! You can do more […]

Challenge your direction

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed

20th March 2015

‘…but it can change form’ I love science I loved it at school I loved it when I did my degree in it I always remembered the definition of the conservation of energy ‘Energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, but it can change form’ We put A LOT of energy into telling ourselves that we […]