It seemed like a good idea at the time
19th June 2020
A year ago this week one of my members and I embarked upon a challenge of the like we hadn’t attempted before We entered the Macmillan Mighty Hike which was advertised as a marathon distance hike along the coastline and in the countryside of Dorset It seemed like a good idea at the time….and that’s […]

Invest in yourself for 12 weeks
31st May 2017
Contrary to popular belief Spending more time and more energy on a problem does not always equal the results that you want to see Weight loss is one of those things… Where time and effort invested are not always proportional to results It completely depends on WHERE you are putting in the effort If you’re […]

Back to school games
17th March 2015
Taking training down a different route Yesterday morning we changed things up at our circuits session at the university We got the teams playing ‘back to school games’ As varsity is upon us, we decided we weren’t going in for the usual beasting ;-) So we planned a fun session instead We got them playing […]

Progress isn’t always what it seems
2nd March 2015
‘Progress for progress sake must be discouraged’ Anyone know where that quote came from? I was prowling on facebook yesterday I rarely do this nowadays because I don’t have the TIME ;-) Geddit? Read yesterdays email if not! Facebook is one of those things that I refuse to qualify my time for, If I have […]

Endorphins and the X factor
25th February 2015
Ever done something cause you have to, then realised that it was the best thing you could have done? After my bed bound 48 hours last week my immune system must be having a laugh cause I now have a sore throat and an almost chesty cough Despite waking up feeling like someone had taken […]

Chase the Yeti Adventure Race
1st December 2014
Hold on to your hats, I won something waaooooo I’m not even going to apologise for the blatant self promotion because this is literally the ONLY time in my life that I am going to win a race. I’m not being self deprecating, just realistic. I love sports and being outside but I don’t want to […]