Will I have to give up chopped tomatoes?
1st September 2024
A question that I get asked a lot is ‘will I have to give up ‘X’ if I start personal training to lose body fat?’ Some of the specific things that X has been include… Chocolate Alcohol Rice Pick and mix Ice cream Biscuits And by far the most random one…..chopped tomatoes! Let me be VERY […]

Teamwork makes the dream work
26th August 2024
It’s my wedding anniversary today, four years married and at least 10 years together I was thinking about how we’ve got to this point relatively unscathed through the pandemic, through a major car accident, through having a baby and all of the sleepless night that followed 😴 The main thing that I keep coming back […]

It’s SO frustrating
My 8 month old is experiencing frustration at the moment because she’s very close to learning how to crawl At the moment she can pivot, roll, twist, shuffle and shimmy backwards She just can’t crawl forward yet The thing is, we know that she’ll eventually figure out how to do it and […]

Feeling highly stressed?
16th August 2024
Feeling highly stressed? Busy Anxious Worked up Over stimulated These are oh so common these days And can dramatically impact your results when you are trying to get healthier and perhaps lose some weight After all, the way that we feel dictates how we act And how we act (ie the choices that we make) dictates […]

Consistency is kinda hard
18th July 2024
I find myself coming back to the topic of consistency a lot because I know that most of my clients struggle with this as an idea and I want to try and help them understand the nuances that we can apply within what consistency actually means But when I was a newbie personal trainer and […]

Stocking fillers for festive friends
29th November 2022
If you’ve got a friend or partner or relative who is getting into their fitness I wanted to help you with some cool ideas for stocking filler gifts that they might appreciate Before I get started I just want to let you know that I do NOT get any throwback from any of […]

What to do if you don’t have time to exercise…
29th January 2020
It’s a bit of a fallacy that we have to blast our exercise out in one fell swoop This might sometimes feel more efficient…. But in reality, it’s not always going to be possible With all of the balls that you are juggling (family, social life, kids hobbies, work, pets, parents etc)….. […]

I talk taking action, adrenaline and Roger Federer
31st March 2015
I am habitually a thinker Much less of a do – er My thoughts ping pong around my brain Its like a ferocious game of tennis between federer and nadal! Sometimes its hard for me to catch up I think something one second Then I forget it instantly the next Despite being convinced in that […]

Stuffing yourself like a turkey on Christmas Day
23rd December 2014
Festive eating is sometimes a bit challenging, here I break down a few points to help you enjoy your Xmas day eating without stuffing yourself silly We all do it, we love to indulge over the festive period, we’re good all year right??? So we deserve this indulgence especially on Xmas day! This blog isn’t […]