‘Have you lost weight, you look amazing’
19th July 2022
The above title is a common greeting that you might hear from friends, family or colleagues if you appear to have reduced your body shape or size (I don’t know when ‘hello’ became unpopular, but here we are) For me, this statement is NOT a compliment (nor a greeting) and as a community that is […]

One to watch
16th November 2020
Picking yourself up after a long time of self-sabotage is really REALLY hard I’ve been a self-saboteur for years and I seem to attract kindred spirits into my membership who have been through similar struggles to me -Body images battles -Emotional eating periods -Binge eating coping behaviours -High stress levels -Avoidance behaviours to […]

How to get REAL buzzed
5th January 2018
I took my nephew indoor sky diving yesterday What a thrill! (I wish I’d booked it for myself too!) I think I have serious Super Auntie points in the bag He got such a buzz from it (Almost the same high as giving him full sugar coke!) It got me thinking We DO have total […]

Keep calm and have a cantaloupe
6th December 2017
Autocorrect error Have you ever been burned by this before? The dreaded autocorrect mistakes That can turn the most innocent of messages…. Into something that you would rather forget! I had a funny one this weekend I have been using a new programme to write these emails And it has different autocorrect functions compared to […]

Guilty pleasure central!
8th July 2017
Do you have a cheeky guilty pleasure? I don’t know about you But I’ve found myself getting drawn into the drama of ‘love island’ I mean I don’t go out of my way to watch it But when it’s on….. Try as I might, I get suckered into the bizarre dynamics of the love island […]

Why do you want to change things?
27th June 2017
Why do you want to change things? Are you happy? Happy with your life? Your lifestyle? Your energy? Your moods Your relationships? Your body? If you answer NO to one or more of those questions Then legitimately you could put yourself in the running to change things today With my programme My ladies only transformation […]

Invest in yourself for 12 weeks
31st May 2017
Contrary to popular belief Spending more time and more energy on a problem does not always equal the results that you want to see Weight loss is one of those things… Where time and effort invested are not always proportional to results It completely depends on WHERE you are putting in the effort If you’re […]