I get things wrong ALL OF THE TIME
It’s not as scary as you think
Change is intimidating
I know myself and I hate change (you’re not the only one!)
Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different
It takes a really brave person to do that!
The biggest barrier in changing your life
Changing your reality
Changing yourself (if you want that???)
Is your mindset
We humans are full of self doubt (and self loathing)
We have a lifetime of experiences that have taught us that change can be associated with failure
And failure is painful
This is why I don’t like to look at anything we do here as FAILURES
It’s not helpful
And frankly, it’s holding you back from getting the results that you want to see
So I like to look at my decisions and choices as opportunities to learn
I get things wrong ALL OF THE TIME
I mean, seriously, I make a tonne of choices that don’t add up to getting the results that I want in my life
But if I looked at those as failures, I would end up feeling pretty bad about myself
And I don’t want that
I recognise that I am human
And I know for sure that I do my BEST
That is all that you can ever ask you know
That you do your best
So if you’ve been feeling like a failure
If you’ve been beating yourself up (maybe for years)
Try flipping that switch
And start recognising where you are doing good stuff too
What you pay attention to will affect your perspective
If you can set aside your ‘mistakes’ and just learn a little more about yourself at each opportunity….
You have a recipe for success
It takes practise and time
But without this
You’ll probably just end up in the same old cycle of self punishment
Is that what you want?