I talk ‘being more dog’ and the unsubscribe button!

I put out content each day that I intend to help people make
better choices, make them laugh and guide them towards being ‘more dog’ as o2
would say

But you know … there are some people I don’t want subscribing

This is you if you…

·Are looking for a magic pill that will bring you successful change with absolutely
no work involved

·Want the big secret behind being successful
(I’ll help you out here for free – there isn’t one chica!)

·Are only looking to join for a month before you jump onto the next ‘new’ thing

·Require hand holding and aren’t prepared to do
the work yourself [you can hammer me with questions via email, but at the end
of the day, you won’t change, if you don’t change!]

·Are just ‘kinda’ interested in losing some weight, feeling more confident and rocking those jeans again – not for you sisters!

·Collect ideas and information, but don’t ever actually do anything with it, I call these the ‘I knew that already’ brigade

·Need attention ALL of the time

·Tend to moan, whine and complain [you can do that with a flakebook status update – just don’t tag me in it]

·Are expecting tonnes of info and content, each email is 400-500 words long, usually
including a good lesson learned – it takes 3mins of your time when you wake up
squinting at your iPhone before your left eye is even open properly

I don’t stuff you full of content, bloat you and make it hard for you to process – I give you enough to take immediate action on your lifestyle, your mindset to make real tangible change [if you actually do the things that I suggest].


I’d rather save you the time, and save me the pain in the

So if you don’t fit in with the above, then its best to pass

For anyone else

Bring you’re a game sunshine


Nicola ‘Honesty is my policy’ Rossell

PS – I am not being an asshole here, I am just being up
front and honest with you

My bizniz is not for sloths, or wimps or moaners

It’s for badass chica’s who want to make a huge difference
to their lives

Click here if you fit the mould

Not everyones cuppa tea


or don’t if you are cool with the confidence that you have

I’m cool if you unsubscribe and have things stay the same