If it were easy ….
I love training people, I get to test peoples
thresholds every day
I like knowing that they tried their very best
I had two separate conversations this week about training
that resonated with me
One client expressed her disappointment at not being able to
complete a set (yes ONE set) which subsequently lead to a shame spiral
My reply was along the lines of 'get over it!'
Training is meant to be hard
You are not meant to be able to complete everything ALL of the time
Another client turned around to me all out of puff and said this stuff is hard hey!
To which I replied
'Indeed, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!'
I am not a hard ass with my clients
But I will not mollycoddle nor will I BS them
I am honest with them
If they are not working hard enough they will be told
If they are slacking, really I don't need to say anything because the results speak for themselves
When training and good nutrition is applied consistently and intelligently over a period of time
Results happen
But they don't fall out of the sky
You work hard for them
Changing mindset
Changing habits
Changing routines
All of this takes work
And that's before you even get in the gym or out for a run
The stuff in our sessions is important but it is not a patch on what it takes to achieve something outside
of an environment where I am there by your side supporting you
It takes guts
And sweat
And tears
An appetising recipe for success no?
But what you get afterwards
The smiles
The laughter
The self confidence
The strength
Its all worth it
Every day that you get out of bed and make a step towards being great
Is another day that you are lapping those that are just vegging on the couch watching friends re-runs
(not that friends isn't great - - - it so is!)
So next time you 'fail' a set think about the rest of the hour of work you just did
How does that 'failure' feel in the grand scheme of things?
Sure this 3 minute interval circuit has been tough
But you just told me that you had a great race at the weekend where you had noticeable improvements
in your core, strength and balance
That's what I call WINNING
Set backs are only what you make of them
If you think that missing a set is a big deal, then it will be
But think on this...
If I see you cruising through a set - what do you think I am going to do to your programme next week?
You can be dammed sure that it will be getting tougher!
That's called PROGRESS :-)
Nicola 'hard ass' Rossell